Examples of Uses for Peppermint and Tea Tree Essential Oils

As a person begins hearing more about the benefits of essential oils, he or she may feel particularly intrigued about the effects. Perhaps one or two of these oils sounds particularly appealing because of problems this person would like to solve. Reading information online provides plenty of details about peppermint oil uses and reasons people buy tea tree oil, for example. They also can learn how to properly use these products.

Essential oils are very strong and powerful, and they usually are diluted with vegetable-based or fruit-based carrier oils. Sesame, olive, coconut and grapeseed oils are common examples. However, if someone plans to use peppermint oil for aromatherapy, mixing it with another fragrant oil interferes with that purpose. Instead, a few drops of peppermint oil can be applied to a piece of fabric and used as a sachet, or added to an essential oil burner. A little peppermint oil also can be added to warm bath water.


Adding a bit of peppermint oil to shampoo is good for hair follicles and appears to thicken hair in some individuals. It also can be blended with a carrier oil and used to relieve the pain and inflammation of sunburn. Some people respond well to peppermint oil for eczema treatment. Peppermint is a popular flavor in commercial toothpaste; it can be used when someone would like to craft his or her own teeth-cleaning and breath-freshening formulation.

Diluted tea tree oil also is soothing for sunburn, eczema and other types of skin inflammation. Its anti-fungal effects make it a potential treatment for athlete’s foot and stubborn toenail fungus. Some individuals have even experienced positive results when applying tea tree oil to warts. The oil has antibacterial properties and kills mildew, making it a positive addition to detergent when doing the laundry.

Now that the person has decided that these are the two products to start with, the question becomes where to buy tea tree oil and peppermint oil. At an online retail center such as Well.ca, consumers have the chance to purchase a wide variety of essential oils. They now can personally explore the broad range of uses for these natural substances.